
Gestart door Leo Verkoelen, november 23, 2007, 20:53:43 PM

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Leo Verkoelen

Is de lichtbruine hierbij mogenlijk een hybride.?

Jos Welbedacht

Zeker een hybride.
Ik zou zeggen Kolgans met Brandgans.

Jos Welbedacht, Groningen
I said you could find me where the Nighthawks fly - dEUS: One advice, Space

Jeroen Nagtegaal

Ik meen canada x brand,
Groet, Jeroen Nagtegaal
Moderator subforum Ringen

Een geringde vogel gezien of gevonden.
Meld het hier of mail naar

Alcedo atthis

Pink bill colour reveals taht one parent must have been an Anser goose( branta x branta hybrids always have black bill).bird doesn´t look big and bill doesn´t look heavy so greylag is excluded as possible anser parent here. Barheaded x barnacle often shows the grey on winks and flanks, but a different head and neck pattern, and bill colour isnt pinkish in those.

Greater or lesser whitefront are possibilities here as the Anser parent... do you have more photos, that might make things clearer!?
Jörn Lehmhus

Alcedo atthis

here is a young hybrid Brandgans x Dwerggans:

The white patch on the forehead starts to develop only in the 1st winter in the hybrids, similar to pure whitefronts (Both species).
Jörn Lehmhus