Announcements of modifications in Observado

Gestart door hiskodevries, januari 07, 2009, 16:11:02 PM

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Bugfix release Update observation generates error #7489
Stranding: Timeout with search in Noord Brabant #5421
Crash in user observations in #7418
Other fixes, included because they are small fixed but very annoying/ugly/with great impact on automatic validation:

Validator action: Hide photo not possible #7480
This Issue depends on the fix for Change footer contact information #7186, which is also included.
Views using force_search_context_empty = True show the incorrect site name in the my-menu #7494
Automatic foto validation fails to run #7364
Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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release 2024-02-06

1. Add view for alerts emails one-click list-unsubscribe (#7381) Fixes: #7299
2. Pending validation: add total count (#7397) Fixes: #5367
3. Add session delete view (#7409) Fixes: #7303
4. Wrap longitude in project pinpoint views to prevent using coordinates in world copies (#7454) fixes: #7452
5. Stats map: restrict event listeners to the filter form (not the site search form) (#7456) fixes: #7453
6. Rephrase Dutch part of 429.html (rate limited error page) (#7441)
7. Add help text to Attributes (#7382) Fixes: #5106

8. Order the species in a species list (#7482)
9. Fix painfully slow admin species list /admin/species/ (#7424)

10. Do not accept unknown accuracy (#7430) Fixes: #7246
11. Remove default accuracy of 25 meters (#7511)
12. Observation update: update country_division if change point (#7476) Fixes: #7078
13. Inherit global speciescountryinfo settings in update_accepted_observation_exists (#7434) Fixes: #7368
14. Fix bottom margin of 'add' button on observation detail views (#7458) fixes: #7408
15. Observation detail: add created to admin notes (#7393) Fixes: #7268
16. Add observation attributes to update form (#7407) Fixes: #7327

BKN (not for testing yet)

20. Add constraint to check that automatic_validation_on==True if use_ai_photo_validation==ON in SpeciesCountryInfo #7357 Fixes: #7134
21. Relocate SoundListViewTestCase (#7518)
22. Move media tests to media test files (#7468) Fixes part of: #7428
23. Move test_observation_detail_admin_information (#7427)
24. Fix test_update_move_to_other_local (#7515)
25. Relocate test_observation_detail_forum_link (#7492)
26. Refactor observation go tests (#7455) Fixes part of: #7428
27. Move/split adminland views and tests (#7423)
28. CMS: make sure the assertion does not fail on second boundaries (#7416)
29. Upgrade dependencies sprint 49 #7384 Fixes: #7361
30. Upgrade to sentry-sdk 1.39.2 (#7474) Fixes: #6622
31. Upgrade to django 5 (#7386) Fixes: #7387
32. Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#7442)
33. Update code style about using real species names (#7472)
34. Add google postmaster tools docs (#7473)
35. Run 'npm run dev' (vite) by default in a dedicated docker container (#7483)
36. Run ANALYZE local_(nl|be|xx).waarneming in db post restore hook (#7402) fixes: #7401
37. Fix disabledness of cms_new on production in search (#7436) fixes: #7435
38. Add search context to species seen cache factors (#7365) Fixes: #7362
39. Silence SASS warnings on "passing percentage units to the global abs() function" (#7439) Fixes: #7437
40. Move style sheets to assets/build/ directory (#7438) fixes: #6546
41. Make missing migrations (#7396)
42. Add missing package-lock.json (#7478)
Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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release 2024-03-05
1. Email the validator of an observation (#7488, #7571) Fixes: #7133 (only between validators)
2. Fix top observers in species stats (#7496) Fixes: #7379
3. Markdown toc: use correct heading id's for headings containing ampersands (#7531) fixes: #7526
4. API docs: require permission for certain (internal) documentation (#7541) fixes: #6468
5. Observation: add created timestamp, set default for id_telmethode (#7464) first step of: #7328
6. Replace search_path usages with appropriate search context functions (#7522) Fixes: #7301
7. Rename observation.admin to validated_by (#7549)
8. Update the local for an observation when updating the country (#7556) Fixes: #7321
9. BioBlitz detail: use rule to check for update permission (#7574) fixes: #7573
10. Species title: order child species by type, scientific_name (#7586) fixes: #7575
11. Project observations: improve performance (#7590)
12. Do not remove api token when password gets re-encoded (#7591)
13. Location base template: replace province with country division (#7589)
14. Location observer ranking: Remove duplicate compare button (#7577) fixes: #7568
15. Fix specieslist alert email species names in wrong language (#7595) Fixes: #7503
16. Kiosk: support locations that cross country borders (#7561) Fixes: #7470
17. Prevent duplicate comments by disabling submit button on submit (#7614) Fixes: #6754
18. Fix foreign keys in observation sqlite export (#7606) Fixes: #7395
19. Update BioBlitz: save choice for own observations (#7609) Fixes: #7399
20. Mijntuinlab footer: remove 'Het Nieuwsblad', add 'Departement Omgeving' (#7617) fixes: #7616
21. Use photo size to prevent layout shifts in flexbox gallery (#7610)

Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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Release 25-3-2024
1. Attributes: correctly handle integer values while updating attributes of type choices (#7656) fixes: #7652
2. Make kiosk view load faster by using stats calculated outside request (#7607) Fixes: #3012
3. Remove validated_by if validation status is reset (#7619) Fixes: #7570
4. Fix cache factors for rank detail page (#7699) Fixes: #7463
5. Replace pyexcel/openpyxl with xlsxwriter/csv (#7724) fixes: #769723
6. Correct some capitalization inconsistencies (#7720) resolves: #3963
7. Project locations view: prevent returning None instead of HttpResponse (#7723) fixes: #5926
8. Replace absolute_url_prefix with site_url in mail templates (#7740) Fixes: #7282
9. Stats model admin: add refresh action (#7655)
10. Refactor BioBlitz forms (#7627) Fixes: #7398

11. Teramap: zoom to geojson bounds after geojson load (#7683) fixes: #7680
12. Show worldwide data on user maps (#7745) Fixes: #7175
13. Catch invalid geojson decode errors in form widget (#7741) Fixes: #6257

14. Add unique index to user species seen stats (#7620) Fixes: #7114
15. Defer geom when selecting locations for species seen results for a geom (#7754)

16. Form and details: show life stage before activity (#7629) Fixes: #7547
17. Copy: remove special case for copying own observations (#7719) fixes: #7706
18. Image recognition on detail page: fix 404 for observations with 999 in the id (#7721) Fixes: #7710

Country subsites
19. Filter pending validation overview on country site (#7632) Fixes: #7461 Fixes: #7622
20. Remove country name from country division (#7651) Fixes: #7264
37. Consider all locations within The Netherlands for Stranding observations (#7624) fixes: #7551
38. Fix missing species name in stranding export (#7618) Fixes: #7538
39. Implement stranding photo and observation views (#7671) Fixes: #7497
40. Rename 'recent strandings' to 'strandings' (#7712) fixes: #7693
41. Show photos in stranding details (#7698, #7765) Fixes: #6101
42. Use scientific name formatter, use SpeciesColumn with link to species_detail (#7713) fixes: #7696

Technical API
43. Region list: fall back to region name if the country name is not in django-countries (#7657) fixes: #7626
44. Terms: Strip generated toc in responses to ObsIdentify < 3.15 (#7722) fixes: #7156

Technical Updates
45. Update python and npm requirements (#7628) Fixes: #7613
46. Bump actions/add-to-project from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#7708)
47. Upgrade node from 18.x to 21.x (#7743)

Technical Testing
48. Let assertLoginRequired check for redirect url (#7615) fixes: #6259
49. Vite: load CSS for any import a bundle might do (#7623)
50. Fix test failure due to leap day (#7681)
51. Remove model_smoke_test and replace it with more meaningful tests (#7672)
52. GeoJSON debug view: Add 'simplify' checkbox, replace {{bbox}} with the current map bounds (#7673)

Technical cleanup and refactoring
53. Clarify the use of SearchContextFilter (#7650)
54. Move local function to generate count subquery to Photo/Sound manager (#7666)
55. Remove usage of SpeciesLocal (#7641) Fixes: #6930
56. Comment-out unused AbundanceType and Abundance models (#7714) fixes: #5099
57. Use 'update' URL paths and names instead of 'edit' (#7759) fixes: #7750
58. Make missing migration for BioBlitz user help text (#7758) Addition to: #7746
59. Remove Nest Attributes (#7689)

Technical Other
60. Update translations and deploy date for release sprint 50, add note on deploy time slot
61. Translations sprint 51, translation cleanup, fix translations in infographic, cleanup BKN view (#7746)
Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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Hotfix on 28-03-2023
1. When you add an observation with 1 or more photos and the exif does not contain information about the gps precision you will not get an error anymore.

2. De name of the validator will only be visible for the observer and other validators
Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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Release 9-4-2024
1. Country subsites: Add display geoms for countries and country divisions (#7760) Fixes: #7717
2. Statistics: Country year stats: explain source of numbers (#7860) Fixes: #7857
3. Fix sound icon link in user compare species seen (#7891) Fixes: #7844
4. Species event page: Show errors for hidden fields (#7840) Fixes: #7801
5. Location detail: do not use decimals when formatting area in square meters (#7761) Fixes: #7725


6. Add observation month filter to observation, photo and sound filtersets (#7781) Fixes: #3784
7. Copy own observations with link to observation form (#7850) Fixes: #7846, #7706, #7296, #5696, #5926, #4158
8. Migrate Observation.created from date to datetime (#7868) Fixes: #7328

Location observer ranking

9. Add options "all years" and "all species groups" (#7788) Fixes: #6885, #6827
10. Do not show 'today new data' label (#7794) Fixes: #7789


11. BioBlitz list: rename tab 'other categories' to 'categories' (#7852)
12. Add country division to user location, add country division filter to BioBlitz list (#7726) Fixes: #7372


13. Add Challenge observations view with export (#7762) Fixes: #6603
14. Challenge detail: speed up, separate view for ranking (#7774, #7890) Follow up of #7762

18. Replace LNV logo by svg file (#7799) Fixes: #7757 (again)
19. Stranding list: link stranding number to stranding detail (#7792) Fixes: #7664
20. Strandings date filter (#7797) Fixes: #7695
21. Replace species info text with stranding stats on species detail (#7786) Fixes: #7665

Was getekend Hisko de Vries.

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