Welke Trochosa?

Gestart door Sjoerd88, maart 27, 2021, 09:10:11 AM

Vorige topic - Volgende topic


Ik zou graag willen weten welke soort dit is.
Het gaat om deze waarneming: https://waarneming.nl/observation/209373413/.
1 Trochosa spec.
datum: 2021-03-26
locatie: Loonse en Drunense Duinen - Zandverstuiving (NB)




A male Zora, not spinimana (maybe silvestris or armillata?) as it lacks the tufts on coxae IV.


We do not have armillata in the NL, so Z. silvestris would then be the best candidate, although i'm not completely sure why this cannot be Z. parallela, Z. pardalis or Z. nemoralis. Often, genitalia are required for a definitive ID in this group.


Seriously? Zora and genitalia?
Parallela: different abdominal pattern
Pardalis: dorsally spotted femora
Nemoralis: broad carapace bands
While genital differences do indeed exist, they are subtle (except in armillata). And from what I can see, they correspond to much more obvious somatic differences on which the key at Araneae.nmbe is based