roofkever / Paederus ...

Gestart door Robert Heemskerk, december 12, 2005, 23:32:17 PM

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Robert Heemskerk

Deze kortschildkever zag ik op 13-11-2005 in het Schinkelbos (Amsterdam)

Is het misschien P. littoralis? (These species are rather common..) of misschien P. riparius?

Verder heb ik tijdens een speurtochtje gelezen dat dit soort kevers(of nauwverwante kevers van dit soort) behoorlijk giftig zijn!

Voor geïnteresseerden: (wel in het Engels..):

I read that some beetles like these are poisonous!?;
''Only very few other beetles are quite as poisonous as the meloids. Small blue and red Rove Beetles of the widely distributed genus Paederus contain a powerful analogue of cantharidin, known as paederin. These beetles often fly into houses and may land and crawl upon the skin. If an attempt is made to brush off the insect, it may release the poison, causing painful blisters that take weeks to heal.''


""Pederin is a powerful toxin and DNA inhibitor circulating in the hemolymph of all developmental stages of some species of Paederus (Paederinae) and close allies in the subtribe Paederina. It is produced by endosymbionts in some, but not all, adult females, is transferred to eggs at oviposition, and thus to larvae and pupae. Males may obtain it by eating eggs. It is a defensive secretion active against spiders, but seems to have no insecticidal effect. It is a contender for the title of most powerful animal toxin. It produces dermatitis on human skin and severe damage to human eyes, but its therapeutic effects can be harnessed to heal chronic lesions in humans and cure cancerous growths.""